Samstag, 3. August 2013

Magic Glitter Foil

Hey ! I'm really sorry for this confusing thing about my blog name and the always changing link :/ I promise that I won't change any of these again that you can find me here now! I hope you remain true to my blog and continue reading it! thank you for that! :)
Okay well a few month ago I ordered this awesome and beautiful glittering magic nail foil. I was so exited to try it when I realized that I forgot to order the glue -.-  that was pretty stupid haha
When I wanted to order the single glue I found out that the conveyed was about 6€ O:
That is pretty much of course and that's why I really had to think about ordering it. But finally I did it and could try this foil!
Applying this foil is really easy actually. At first you cut the foil into pieces that are fitting on your nails. After that you polish your  nails as usual but don't use a top coat. Let it dry completely and apply the nail foil glue and let it dry for about 5 minutes. Take the foil pieces and put them with the pretty side on top on your nails. Sweep the foil as smooth as you can. The neatest the foil is on your nail the less crinkles arise. But as you can see on my pictures some crinkles can't be avoided, especially if you try this method for the first time!
When you press the foil on your nails and smooth it the foil will slowly isolate from the nails and the glitter pattern stays on your nail. You may have to pull a little to remove the foil. After that you can finish this design with a top coat and that's it!
You can buy the foil and the glue for about 2€ each in the internet.
I really love this foil because it is very long and you can work a lot with it! Besides it has this pretty cool holo glitter effect which I really love! I'm looking forward to try this foil again and to improve the look!
thanks for reading!! :)

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